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An overview of the diploma

It is an academic program in the field of Digital Fabrication, Edition, offered by the Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation for Medical and Educational Sciences - Fab Lab UAE, and it is a version of the MAS 863 course which is offered at MIT entitled How to Make Almost Everything

Providing Fab Lab UAE with a Fab Academic Diploma in the country will provide an opportunity for everyone to learn and get acquainted with the latest and newest manufacturing methods and methods in the world.

How to teach diploma

The learner organizes the distance learning program through classes every Wednesday from 5 to 8 pm Dubai time, interacting through a live broadcast to the eminent physicist Professor Neil Gershenfeld of MIT and Director of BITS and Atoms.

* 9-6 pm starting from the month of April

Date of booking to the waiting center to the waiting center to the waiting center to work 4 times a week to work under the supervision of the competent expert.

Diploma registration requirements?

⦁ The candidate must be a national or from the category of children of female citizens. ($5000 for non-nationals)

⦁ Available 4 days a week from January to July.

⦁ Fluent in English reading, writing and using skills.

⦁ Successfully pass the personal interview.

⦁ Preferably have an idea for a graduation project.

The knowledge and skills that will be covered during the diploma

A different topic is presented such as: a week A different topic is presented such as :

Project management, electronic content creation, digital printing, digital printing, digital printing, printing, 3D printing, digital printing, digital printing, digital printing, digital input and output... In short, this is your technology project, your Fab Lab.

Who is this diploma for?

The diploma is intended for engineers, designers, artists and individuals working in Beida with an interest in appropriate innovation, design, manufacturing and rapid prototyping.

Diploma duration

The diploma will start in January and end in July of the same year.

Diploma application process

After the learner has been regular in the start-up for 30 hours on the start-up on a start-up basis.


⦁ Covering the costs of university studies during the diploma period (+36000 dirhams)

⦁ The student was awarded a Fab Academic Diploma from the Fab International Organization.

⦁ Grant neighboring graduates in opportunities available in the available in Fab Lab Emirates.

⦁ Graduate acquisition

Fab Academy Materials List

Principles And Practices • Project Management • Computer Aided Design • Computer Controlled Cutting • Electronics Production • 3d Scanning And Printing • Electronic Design • Computer Controlled Machining • Embedded Programing • Molding And Casting • Input Devices • Output Devices • Interface And Application Programming • Networking And Communications • Mechanical Design • Machine Design • Wildcard Week • Applications And Implications • Invention, Intellectual Property, And Income • Project Development